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Roger Beaudoin

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The “Showbiz” Approach to Hospitality

Posted by Roger Beaudoin on Dec 6, 2018 5:03:47 PM

Customers come into restaurants for many reasons - celebration, a break from work, family time, or possibly because no-one felt like cooking. But it’s not enough to simply seat the customer, take the order, deliver the food and bring the check.

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Topics: Hospitality managers, Hospitality staff

Theatre of the mind - the art of suggesting and selling

Posted by Roger Beaudoin on Oct 17, 2018 4:15:00 PM

Effective suggesting and selling is an art and much like any worthwhile endeavor; requires practice, experience and a desire to serve. But restaurants cannot leave this critical element to chance or a staff member’s own initiative.

Owners and managers must consistently lead by example, nurture, train and develop their team to elevate the guest service experience. This approach is a powerful competitive advantage that leads to happier customers, word of mouth, glowing online reviews and increased sales.

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Topics: Hospitality managers, Hospitality staff

How to engage your hospitality team in learning after induction

Posted by Roger Beaudoin on Aug 29, 2018 8:12:00 AM

With so many moving parts and balls in the air, running a restaurant is a constant challenge. Effective owners and managers that practice consistent and constant training enjoy a true competitive advantage. This is what separates the best restaurants with a loyal following from those spinning their wheels wondering why their seats aren’t full. 

If your team provides customers with better service and amazing dining experiences, your restaurant will be rewarded with repeat business and five star online reviews. But to achieve this lofty goal, it's not enough to simply have an orientation or “on-boarding” program in the basics of the job. Continually testing and engaging staff in their learning are what will keep them on top of their game, and ensure the success of your business.

Here's how to get your team involved in a learning culture:

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Topics: Hospitality managers, Hospitality training