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5 cafe trends set to dominate the hospitality market in 2021

From adapting to COVID-19 requirements to accomodating evolving customer needs, here are the top five cafe trends to adopt in 2021.

Although predicting the future seems impossible, anyone can pay attention to current trends to figure out what will become popular or fade from the public eye. As parts of the world lean back into normalcy, everyone’s looking forward to spending more time at their local cafes.

In this blog post, guest contributor Cora Gold looks at five cafe trends set to dominate the market in 2021 based on what consumers expect from their dining experiences.



1. Healthy food alternatives

No matter where you are in the world, cafes are popular places to grab a cinnamon roll and your favorite latte. However, those are high in carbs and sugar. With the rise of healthy food options, people are looking to minimize their processed food intake or cutting it out altogether.

Consumers will visit cafes and look for healthy alternatives to traditional menu items. According to the latest Food & Health Survey by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), 74% of people try to limit or avoid sugar in their diet, specifically in their beverages. Cafes that offer sugar-free coffee syrups, sweeteners, and smoothies will experience greater success to align with their customers' needs. 

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2. More comfortable seating arrangements

After living through a pandemic, consumers look forward to working in cafes or meeting friends for a quick catch-up. They want to spend time outside of their homes, making comfortable seating arrangements more crucial than ever before. Cafes with couches and seat cushions will become the preferred venue over places with hard chairs and stools.


3. More affordable menu additions

Making menu additions more affordable may seem like a challenging cafe trend, but it’s more simple than most business owners realize. Anyone can reduce costs by taking careful inventory of all purchases to prevent overspending and underpricing.

Exact line-item data calculate the best value of goods, leading to improved profits and fair prices on everything from beverages to snacks. Consumers will visit cafes and restaurants wherever they can get the best deals, that's why making inventory a key strategy will get you ahead of this latest trend. New call-to-action


4. Improved sanitary standards

The pandemic made most people more conscious of their personal hygiene. People don’t want to return to a world that doesn’t support their sanitary measures, so cafes should improve their cleaning standards to prioritize what their consumers care about the most. Hand sanitizer stations, more bathroom sinks, and sanitized tables between customers are just a few ways cafes can use this cafe trend to dominate the market in 2021.

5. Better membership rewards programs

Consumers love membership rewards programs because they get something back for the money they already plan to spend. These memberships will become essential for cafes because they increase customer loyalty and establish brand trust.

You can expect to see more cafes offering points for purchases and freebies when people sign up for email newsletters. Everyone benefits from these programs, making them one of the most popular foods and beverage trends.

Watch these trends dominate the market in 2021 

As people get back into routines where they can visit their favorite restaurants and cafes regularly, they’ll likely see these trends dominate the market in 2021. Look forward to membership programs, better sanitization, and more affordable menu items as cafes and consumers work together to improve everyone’s experience.


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Cora's passion is to inspire others to live a happy, healthful, and mindful life through her words on Revivalist – wholeheartedly convincing them that everyday moments are worth celebrating. Cora has spent 5+ years writing for numerous lifestyle sites - hence her sincere love for both life and the beauty of style in all things. Keep up with Cora on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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