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3 reasons to offer multilingual training to your staff

Closed captions are now available on all of our Typsy lessons.

We all know that a hospitality business’ success is based on many different factors. One of which is the ability of a diverse staff to communicate effectively to execute the tasks at hand. To keep a large, global workforce running seamlessly, care should be taken when designing and implementing training. One major component to take into account is the languages that your staff speak, as well as their cultural background. However, training in the native language of your workforce comes with its own set of challenges and benefits that should all be considered carefully. 

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During training, there are some things that are just difficult to interpret quickly while trying to stay focused on the information being given. There will always be nuances, or even jokes, that do not come across as intended when only heard in the original language. This is one of the major reasons to offer training to your global hospitality staff in multiple languages. This can be done in several ways, including providing an interpreter to live training, providing documents and resources in multiple languages, and having closed captions in other languages available on video training. There are some further benefits that come along with offering training in more than one language as well.

1. Increasing engagement and focus

Having your training closed captioned into the native language of your staff can benefit your business by increasing your staff’s engagement with their training. When your staff can focus on what is being said in the training, instead of how to interpret what is being said, their ability to engage and comprehend the training will increase exponentially. An increase in engagement will also mean an increase in retention of the material. This means that you will not have to train and retrain staff as often, in order for them to feel confident in their assigned tasks. 

2. Increased safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a regulatory board in the United States, estimates that language barriers are a contributing factor in 25 percent of job-related accidents. Training plans cannot be fully implemented by staff if they do not completely understand them. This not only puts your guests and your staff in danger, but can also dearly cost the company as a whole. Offering these compliance based trainings in your staff’s native language or closed captioned for them can greatly increase the adoption of your safety plan across the business. 

3. Increased efficiency 

In the long-run, multilingual training will increase your efficiency. A huge part of employee effectiveness and efficiency comes from each of them knowing their job description and what is expected of them. Providing this training, formatted in the language that your staff speaks, can go a long way to helping them understand how to be more efficient in their day to day tasks. 

With the global hospitality industry in mind, Typsy is proud to announce the addition of 11 new languages rolling out to the closed captions on our entire video library! We encourage feedback from our members on these current languages, and look forward to any requests for further languages needed in our library. These closed captions can be turned on by choosing your language of choice from the list, which is located in the lower right of each video.

Our closed captions are now available across the whole library for the following languages: 

  • Magyar (Hungarian)
  • 日本語 (Japanese)
  • Português (Portuguese)
  • Pусский (Russian)
  • ไทย (Thai)  
  • हिंदी (Hindi)
  • Français (French)
  • Deutsch (German)
  • Español (Spanish)
  • 中文 (简体) (Chinese (Simplified))
  • English

Keeping a diverse workforce fully trained, in each of their native tongues, can be a daunting task. Whether you work in a small cafe, or a large multinational organization, it is important to remember that there are huge benefits to be had from making sure that your training is both comprehendible and relevant to your global staff as a whole. 

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