Founded in 1957,
Hyatt is
one of the world’s top hospitality companies with 18 hotel brands, located in 54 countries. In 2018, Hyatt has been ranked #186 on Forbes "America's Best Employers" list. Since July 2018,
Grand Hyatt Muscat &
Andaz Singapore have been learning new hospitality skills through Typsy.
In this
Typsy case study, Joseph Gomes, F&B Training Manager at Grand Hyatt Muscat and
Audrey Silvaraj, F&B Training Manager at Andaz Singapore take you through their learning experience with Typsy.

Muscat Grand Hyatt Hotel in Oman
Hyatt Hotels corporate training has relied primarily on the HR team or Food & Beverage Training Mangers to train their Food & Beverage operational teams in venue. Online training was not being used for practical operational training needs for front-line staff, including areas such as Beverage, Service and how to upsell. These floor staff members have also struggled to fit long instructor-led training sessions (traditionally set in a classroom) between staff work hours.
Hyatt Hotel properties needed a hospitality training solution that enabled global staff members to be trained consistently and on-demand that didn’t take hours to complete, or pull staff off the floor to train.
Hyatt enlisted the help of Typsy due to their breadth of content and short-form, online approach. Food & Beverage staff across several Hyatt properties globally including the team at Andaz Singapore and Grand Hyatt Muscat were given access to Typsy’s online training platform and were able to begin their own skills training.
These properties also chose to assign training to their staff using curated playlists and individual courses to cater for specific training needs based on venue and role. Each training item was assigned over a select period which enabled staff to take a more flexible approach to their training.
Employees also had the opportunity to self-select videos that were appropriate for their current knowledge and skills level. This training was supplementary to what was being assigned by each venue.
Of the Hyatt properties who have used Typsy training so far, all have seen very positive results in their staff’s learning.
"One of the training challenges that has been eased through Typsy is that our team members are not confined to a classroom session at a specific time, which is usually the case when it comes to training. Now with Typsy they have a number of platforms where they can access their assigned lessons at their time making it more flexible and they all follow the same content, so it makes the learning uniform and visually effective.”
“Typsy courses have been appreciated and liked by all our team members and I have heard only positive comments during the entire period of engagement. It has been observed that a good number of associates seem more interested in learning and viewing the material, they learn easily by following the videos and one can repeat a number of times if not clear, additionally there is downloadable guides for example recipe charts for cocktails, key points to remember etc. This has impacted their performances and helps them perform better.”
– Joseph Gomes, F&B Training Manager (Grand Hyatt Muscat)

“Since using Typsy there has been a steady improvement in the delivery of service: service level has improved, and staff are more confident in interacting with guests. Techniques on upselling and beverage knowledge have created an opportunity for the team to sell confidently. The Typsy platform is a good tool as it is easy to understand and features a more modern and updated method of providing service skills to our employees.”
– Audrey Silvaraj, F&B Operations Training Manager (Andaz Singapore)
Read the full case study to see how much time and money Hyatt properties were able to save with Typsy.
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