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Hospitality insights

12 key trends shaping the hospitality industry in 2024

Discover the 12 key trends shaping the hospitality industry in 2024. From sustainability and cultural diversity to health and wellness, find out how these trends are shaping the future of hospitality.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences, the hospitality industry stands at the forefront of innovation and adaptation. As we step into 2024, the landscape continues to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses in the sector. Understanding and harnessing these emerging trends will be pivotal in shaping the future of hospitality. Here are the trends we’re reading about that are key priorities for hospitality businesses in 2024: 

person placing blocks together showing environmentally friendly icons


1. Sustainability as a priority

With increasing global awareness of environmental issues, sustainability has transitioned from a buzzword to a core principle in the hospitality industry. Guests are actively seeking eco-friendly accommodations and experiences. In 2024, sustainability will continue to be a defining factor in consumer choices and brand loyalty.  

Dr Newman, Chief Sustainability Officer for EarthCheck (previously Banyan Tree Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer) says, “There’s a willingness for many companies to engage with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues, but many simply don’t know where to start.”  

Many hotels are responding by gaining more knowledge and understanding around adopting green practices, from energy-efficient buildings and waste reduction initiatives to locally sourced products and sustainable food options. Looking for more sustainability ideas? Check out the EarthCheck courses on Typsy here.


2. Cultural diversity and inclusivity

The industry is placing a greater emphasis on diversity and inclusivity. Travelers are seeking authentic cultural experiences and inclusive environments. Studies by Deloitte show that 57% of consumers prefer to visit businesses that demonstrate diversity. In response, hospitality brands are promoting cultural immersion, celebrating diversity in their workforce, and creating inclusive spaces for guests. Learn how you can develop a diverse workplace with our Diversity, equity, and inclusion course. 


3. Health and wellness-centric offerings

The pandemic has elevated health consciousness, propelling the demand for wellness-focused travel experiences. According to a survey by Booking.com, over 70% of travelers prioritize wellness on their trips. In 2024, hotels and resorts will be expected to expand their wellness amenities, incorporating yoga studios, meditation spaces, healthier menu options, and fitness programs to cater to this growing trend. 

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4. Rise of remote work and bleisure travel

The concept of work has transformed significantly, with remote work becoming more prevalent. This shift has given rise to 'bleisure' travel – a blend of business and leisure trips. Hotels are adapting their amenities and services to accommodate this hybrid trend. Specialized packages catering to remote workers, offering co-working spaces, high-speed internet, and unique leisure experiences, are gaining traction. 


5. Personalized experiences through AI and big data with advanced analytics

The use of advanced analytics to personalize guest experiences is on the rise. According to a report by Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data for a more personalized experience. Hospitality businesses are leveraging this data to anticipate guest needs, preferences, and even emotional states, creating hyper-personalized services that resonate with individual travelers.


6. Rise of experience-driven lodging

The shift from 'staying' to 'experiencing' has transformed the lodging landscape. Unique accommodations such as treehouses, glamping sites, and boutique stays are gaining popularity. Statista reports a 42% increase in demand for unique accommodations. As travelers seek distinctive and memorable experiences, hotels are diversifying their offerings to cater to this demand, emphasizing local culture and authenticity.


7. Focus on local talent development

In many regions, a shift towards investing in local talent development programs to mitigate skill gaps will be seen. Ray Pulungan, CEO of Indonesian company, PINTAR says he is seeing an increase in requests for talent development and placement solutions to support the increasing need for workers in the hospitality industry. 

Organizations including VTIC have been running programs to support local talent development across tourism regions in Victoria, Australia to help address the skills gap. Hospitality businesses will look to collaborate with educational institutions, vocational schools, or online training programs to nurture and upskill local talent, reducing reliance on overseas recruitment for certain roles. 


8. Strategic global partnerships for talent acquisition

Hospitality businesses will also look further afield and seek out strategic partnerships or alliances with international recruitment agencies, educational institutions, or HR firms specialized in sourcing global talent. Collaborations with entities abroad may facilitate smoother and more effective recruitment processes while ensuring compliance with changing regulations. Sometimes visa restrictions impact the ease of international recruitment, however, Governments may implement or revise immigration policies that impact the recruitment of international staff. Changes in visa regulations, work permits, or immigration laws might influence how easily hospitality businesses can source talent from abroad. 


9. Focus on retention and employee experience

Retaining skilled employees will be a priority. Hospitality companies will invest in improving the overall employee experience, offering competitive benefits, career development and training opportunities, recognition programs, and fostering a positive work culture. Typsy CEO, Jon Plowright says there is increased interest in blending online training and face-to-face learning as an efficient way to upskill teams at scale. Moving forward, the emphasis on creating efficiencies, where it makes sense, and enhancing convenience will persist. Engaged and satisfied employees are more likely to deliver superior guest experiences, impacting the overall success of the business.


10. Contactless technology and seamless operations

The aftermath of the pandemic expedited the adoption of contactless technologies and hospitality management software. QR codes, mobile check-ins, and digital keys have become common place for guests, as have restaurant booking technologies that not only create a great experience for the customer but can also help drive more revenue for businesses. A great example of optimizing technology is from Tanoshi Group where they saw 35% more peak covers, doubled their event bookings, and saw a 30% reduction in group no-shows by using reservation management software, ResDiary. Investments in tech infrastructure for smoother operations, along with the incorporation of IoT devices for smart rooms, will remain a priority.


11. Cryptocurrency and blockchain integration

The adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is gaining momentum in the hospitality sector. According to Statista, the global blockchain market in hospitality is projected to grow to over $7.6 billion by 2024. Blockchain offers secure transactions, loyalty programs, and enhanced guest data protection, while cryptocurrencies provide an alternative payment method catering to tech-savvy travelers.


12. Flexible booking options and subscription services

The industry is witnessing a shift towards flexible booking options and subscription-based models. Guests seek more control over their reservations, with options for cancellations and modifications. Subscription services for frequent travelers, offering exclusive perks and discounts, are gaining popularity, fostering long-term relationships with customers.



The hospitality sector is a dynamic ecosystem continually adapting to meet the evolving needs and expectations of its patrons. As we say goodbye to 2023, the industry faces a multitude of transformative trends, each playing a crucial role in shaping its trajectory.  

Embracing these trends isn't merely a choice but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in this dynamic landscape. By prioritizing personalization, sustainability, technology integration, staff training and development, flexibility, and innovative guest experiences, hospitality brands can position themselves at the forefront of this evolution, catering to the evolving needs and desires of their guests while staying ahead as an employer of choice in a competitive market. 

Adaptability and a customer-centric approach will be the cornerstone for success, propelling the industry towards a future defined by unparalleled experiences and heightened guest satisfaction.  

An exciting year awaits us in 2024! 



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