Sally Irwin is an inspiring individual. When we interviewed her last year, we were stunned to learn that slavery is still very much present in Australian society.
Sally's organization, The Freedom Hub, is doing everything it can to support those who have survived such deplorable experiences. The Freedom Hub Survivor School trains survivors to join the workforce in industries such as hospitality, while profits from The Freedom Hub Café and Event Venue go towards funding the school and the cause.
When she joined us as a speaker at Typsy Live, Sally enlightened our audience on the realities of fighting slavery through a social enterprise. It’s a riveting talk, and we have just released it in full.
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After spending years in the corporate world, Sally Irwin founded The Freedom Hub, a survivor school that trains and motivates those who have experienced slavery in Australia. She also manages member engagement for Stop the Traffik Australia, which is a global coalition of organizations working together to stop human trafficking.
How One Cafe is Stopping Slavery in Australia – A Quick Recap
When Sally accompanied her husband to a diplomatic post in Berlin, she threw herself into charity work. And it was here that she was first confronted with the issue of human trafficking, which was occurring in the city. This was a world changing moment in her life, and she felt she had to do something about it.
After volunteering with charities and contributing in any way she could, Sally returned home to Australia – only to discover that modern slavery was also occurring there.
"What I tried to do with my cafe was come up with a new model for solving a social issue." [Click to Tweet]
In her Typsy Live talk, Sally explains how and why she started The Freedom Hub, and what it takes to sustain a business for purpose. She also explores the key differences between slavery and exploitation in the hospitality industry, before sharing a few harrowing survivor stories.
If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, or you want to find a way to make a difference with your business, then this talk will definitely motivate you to go out and get started.
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Emily Tatti
Mar 5, 2017
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