Working long, exhausting hours is often considered a necessary part of life for any hospitality professional. However, in the pursuit of excellence, you may find those long workdays can take a toll not only on your physical health but personal relationships as well.
Whether you’re just starting out on your hospitality training or have been working in the industry for many years, you must be able to manage your time wisely in order to handle long hours at work and stay physically and mentally healthy.
Here are some tips to keep yourself in good shape physically, mentally and emotionally.

1. Get quality sleep
Pamper yourself at bedtime and find a good mattress that will let you sleep soundly. You need to soothe your tired muscles and recharge for the next day, so it’s important that you get good quality sleep without any unnecessary interruptions. Get blackout curtains or wear an eye mask to keep the sun out if you don’t have to get up until mid-morning.
2. Eat healthy, energy-boosting food
You may not be able to sit down for a full meal when you’re working (as ironic as your job is), so go for the next best thing: eat healthy snacks that boost energy.
These include fresh fruit (go for blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, and pineapples), nuts that help convert sugar into energy (almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews are best), and whole-grain cereal or toast.
3. Drink water
This cannot be overstated! Water is something that's easy to forget on a busy shift, but it's incredibly important to stay on top of your hydration. You won't believe how quickly you'll feel better, especially if you're working in a hot kitchen or it's a summer day.
Water transports the nutrients in the blood that are used for energy and gets rid of the buildup of waste that leads to fatigue. If you don’t get enough water, your body won’t be able to metabolize what you eat into fuel. This is why you get tired easily when you’re dehydrated, so drink up! Better yet, add a few slices of lemon to your water pitcher or tumbler. This would turn it into an electrolyte-packed natural energy drink.
4. Take breaks
A short, 15-minute walk around the block or to a nearby park when there’s a lull in activity can make a big difference to your overall mood for the rest of the day. The fresh air will do you good by making you feel more alert. Take long strides, shake your arms and stretch your spine. Breathe deeply to bring on a sense of calm and refresh your mind.
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5. Be organized
This is easier said than done, but it helps to stay on top of your tasks as much as possible. With enough organization, you can spend your downtime better, and get your work done more efficiently.
Plan your week where you can, keep your kitchen organized and prepare your menu well in advance. It also helps to delegate tasks where necessary and to manage your time.
Sharpening your hospitality skills or perfecting your menu requires a lot of hard work and long hours in the kitchen. However, you should also remember that if you are constantly tired or out of sorts because of stress, you may not be able to work to the best of your ability. So always take time for yourself – eat and drink healthy, take a break and get yourself a good night’s sleep.
Start your Typsy online hospitality training now with our lesson on Pre-shift stretching exercises.
Carla Jenkins is a regular writer about sleep-related and wellbeing topics at Carla has been studying this field for a number of years and also has a background in yoga, which has further developed her understanding of these issues. |
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