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Hospitality operations

10 free online tools to make life easier for hoteliers

There are hundreds of incredibly useful online tools that can make managing your hotel easier. We’ve rounded up a list of the best free tools you can use.

There are hundreds of incredibly useful online tools that can make managing your hotel easier. We’ve rounded up a list of the best free tools you can use to improve your marketing, booking conversions and general organisation.



If you’re tired of trying to remember the multitude of passwords you use on any given day, then this is the tool for you.

Dashlane manages your passwords by storing them in a secure (and encrypted) online vault. Once you’re signed up, you can visit any website and rely on the program to automatically fill in your password information. You just have to remember a single master password to access your account.

You also get security alerts sent to your inbox if someone tries to log into your accounts without your permission.


Unroll.Me will literally clean your inbox in seconds. Once you sign up, you’ll see a list of every single one of your newsletter subscriptions. Instead of individually unsubscribing to each one, you just have to check the ones you don’t want, and they’re gone forever. It feels pretty good!

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop can be a lifesaver when you need to access your files from home or on the road. The program lets you access anything on your Mac or PC – including documents, photos and apps – from another computer or smartphone. 

Booking conversions

Heat Map

This tool is still in its beta stage, but it’s definitely worth experimenting with. Use the 14-day free trial to analyse the design of your website. Heat signatures will show you where visitors are lingering and clicking on the page, so you can tell if your copywriting, photos and calls to action are effective.


Picreel causes a special offer to pop up on your website when visitors are about to leave. It’s perfect for tempting guests with room discounts and packages. You can try the 30-day free trial to see how it affects your booking conversions.



Unsplash is incredibly useful if you’re looking for beautiful high-resolution photos to use on your website or social media pages. Not only are the images free to use, but they’re curated by designers, writers and entrepreneurs, so the quality is far superior to anything you will find on a normal creative commons website.


When you don’t have the money to spend on complex graphic design software like Photoshop, free online photo editors like Pixlr are the way to go. You can use the program to add filters and make quick fixes to photos without leaving your Internet browser.


If you’re on Twitter, Tweroid is essential. It measures your tweets and followers, and then tells you exactly what time you should be posting to maximise your engagement.

Social Rank

Social Rank is another effective Twitter tool. After analysing your followers, the program tells you which users are most influential and which users are most engaged. You’ll then know which customers deserve your extra attention.


LikeAlyzer is invaluable for hotels that are still getting their footing on Facebook. It offers you a detailed analysis on how you can improve your page and gain more likes. It also tells you how your page stacks up against other hotel brands.


Tell us if you have any secret online tools that help make life easier.


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