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Health and wellbeing

3 leadership tactics to keep your hospitality team calm and efficient under pressure

Discover three effective leadership tactics to keep your hospitality team calm and productive under pressure, ensuring a smoother operation and a more supportive work environment.

Without proper support, working in hospitality can be manageable. Over 84% of hospitality workers say they are stressed due to their jobs, and 62% say they do not receive adequate support. 

Failing to address the pressure that hospitality workers face can undermine your team's productivity and lead to burnout, derailing your efficiency and significantly increasing the risk of costly errors. 

3 leadership tactics to keep your hospitality team calm and efficient under pressure


As a leader, you can minimize the risk of burnout and combat stress by empowering your team. Simple tactics, like rewarding people who have dealt with demanding customers, greatly enhance your employee’s motivation and ensure that your team stays calm and efficient under pressure. 

Gathering and utilizing feedback

If you experience predictable busy periods, you should use the weeks and months before peak operations to gather feedback from your team and refine your leadership. Gathering employee feedback from trusted staff is the easiest way to increase efficiency and spot operational bottlenecks that cause excess stress on your team. Additional benefits of gathering and utilizing feedback include: 

  • Increase employee engagement;
  • Enhanced trust and transparency throughout your team;
  • Better decision-making when under pressure, thanks to an improved understanding of your team’s needs.
Routinely implementing your team's feedback shows your staff that you respect their insights, too. Doing so can create a culture of trust, support, and togetherness that will serve you well during peak periods. 

Making the most of the feedback you receive will also aid your efforts to overcome barriers associated with engagement, as you’ll be able to create a safe, non-judgmental environment. Doing so opens up lines of communication and ensures you can spot the signs of spiraling stress and burnout before your team loses their composure.


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Stress management and burnout prevention

As a leader, your role is to manage stress in the workplace. You can’t necessarily prevent mistakes at work, and you can’t control the behavior of your guests, but you can determine how your team responds to setbacks. You can manage stress in fast-paced work environments by: 

  • Controlling your own emotions by utilizing mindfulness and meditation during your breaks;
  • Leading with kindness when addressing mistakes your team may have made;
  • Identifying the signs of stress (like headaches or short-tempers) in your employees early;
  • Rewarding your employees after coming through a period of heightened pressure with PTO and perks like bonus pay or profit-sharing;
  • Ensuring people can get enough rest and relaxation by creating a rota that shares the workload.


Recommended by Typsy: Health and wellbeing in hospitality 

Join Laura Green and learn about stress management techniques tailored for the fast-paced hospitality environment. Explore the unique demands of this industry and how they impact mental health, equipping you with strategies to maintain a balanced work-life dynamic


As a leader, it’s tempting to schedule your most talented staff to cover every busy period. However, overburdening your top team members will likely lead to burnout and resentment. Instead, consider creating a work schedule with your trusted, high-talented staff. Involving them in leadership will help them feel trusted and ensure they don’t take on more than they can handle. Taking a collaborative approach won’t always work, but the gesture will build morale and could reduce the risk of burnout


Show appreciation 

Keeping morale high is crucial when your business is operating at maximum capacity. You must account for your team's motivation to ensure your productivity and avoid a litany of avoidable errors at work. You can guard against complacency and boost morale by finding ways to show your team appreciation during peak periods. 

This sentiment is echoed by hospitality guru Andrew Carlson, who explains, “The best way to make sure people stay happy is to make appreciation a daily habit." Small gestures of appreciation — like bringing pizza for everyone or giving employees a longer lunch break — can build buy-in at work and address any growing disconnect between your staff and your leadership team. 


Gathering feedback, addressing stress, and showing appreciation for your team can help your employees stay calm and efficient when under pressure. These simple leadership tactics can help you run a more efficient business, too, as you’ll benefit from a greater understanding of the challenges that your team faces. This can aid your efforts to empower your staff and create a company culture that people buy into.


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