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5 ways to blend Typsy with your in-person training

Blended learning is the way of the future! Learn how you can make it easy for you and your team with Typsy.

Online learning has taken the L&D world by storm, so it is no wonder that more and more academic institutions and business organizations are working to provide online resources for their students and staff. Most trainers and instructors agree that blended learning is a great way to meet the different learning styles of your audience.

So in this post, we're looking at ways you can get the best of both worlds by learning with Typsy.

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Sure, e-learning is the way of the future, but there is still a time and place for in-person training. Here are some practical steps you can take to blend these two types of learning together to create a much stronger training plan.

1. Incorporating e-learning day-to-day

One of the first steps of blending learning is to make online learning a part of your daily and weekly in-person training activities. One such way is to be sure to reference your member’s online training during in-person, group meetings, stand-ups, performance reviews, or even in your emails and newsletters to members.

These mentions should include why this training will be important for their next shift or class. Make sure that the e-learning component of their responsibilities stays relevant to their in-person training and role. This goes a long way in ensuring solid training.

On Typsy, we have built-in a feature called the “Assess” button.

This button is designed to offer managers the ability to assess what members have learned from Typsy lessons. You can use this when you assign lessons and would like your members to show you or tell you about what they learned in their viewing.

Managers can then comment on if the task was completed correctly or not. This feedback stays between manager and member. For example, assigning out the lesson “How to make a Bloody Mary” and letting the member know that they will need to demonstrate this in-person at the end of the week.

To use this feature, on the manager side of the system, go to Training-> Assign training report-> Select a training item-> Click on the name of the person you would like to assess-> Click the “Assess” button.


2. Group training days

One of the easiest ways to blend online and in-person training is to integrate Typsy video lessons with training days that you already have on your calendar.

These lessons can be incorporated in multiple ways. You could start or end your session by showing one video on a large screen and then assigning the rest of the course or playlist to the group to complete that week. 

Alternatively, you could assign out e-learning content ahead of your scheduled training day. You can either assign training to the whole group and go over it in person, or assign different training items to each member of the group (or teams if you have a large group).

If you have sent something different to each member or group of members, have each person present on their topic to the wider meeting. This way of blending learning can appeal to multiple types of learning styles and create a bigger impact for your members.

3. Group quizzing and discussion time

Following up with your team members after training has been assigned can also be used as an opportunity to blend e-learning with in-person training.

By scheduling a discussion time after content has been assigned out, you give members time to express questions or comments that they had about the lessons they watched. This can give managers the ability to clarify, reinforce, or address ways that your organization wants tasks completed. 

During these discussion sessions, managers can also choose to complete quizzes as a group. This can be done if an entire course has been assigned and completed by the members. These questions can then be used to prompt discussion or ensure compliance is achieved.

4. Onboarding material

If your organization already has a specific onboarding plan for new starters, ensure a Typsy learning schedule is included in that. If not, now is a great time to design one!


Creating a playlist to be assigned before or when members start, as well as their first few weeks on the job, can introduce them to ideas that are critical learning for their role. Typsy even has a few curated playlists available on the manager side of the system, to save you time. Simply copy these playlists and assign them to your new starters. 

Ensure that your managers are equipped to make sure members have completed these training in a designated time frame, as well as are able to demonstrate their learning.

For bonus points, work with your managers to design playlists for the things that they really want those on their team to start the job understanding. This could even include custom content videos that your team films on specific processes at your organization.

5. Group writing and filming training videos

Another great way to blend your e-learning into in-person training is to create custom content videos for your Typsy account. These videos can take on endless forms to help teach organization-specific information.

This can range anywhere from something simple, like how to plate a specific dish, all the way to something larger, such as a full onboarding course. Managers can use these videos to further discuss ideas or even quickly send weekly updates and memos to the whole team at once. 

Getting the team involved in custom content creation can also be used as a great learning tool! One example of this in practice is having each of your servers memorize one dish from a seasonal menu and then explain this on camera- be sure to include ingredients, possible allergens, and a great wine to pair with that dish.

Another example is working with your front desk agents to film processes that they go through daily, that they can then share with new team members. By involving your team in planning and filming custom content, you will not only be delivering more relevant training but also allowing for wider discussions about training.

Blending learning starts with small daily practices that can lead to larger and intentional shifts in your training. By ensuring that your training provides the opportunity for discussion and demonstration, you will create a greater impact on the learning of your members. Why not choose one of our suggestions this month and try it out in your training? 

Happy Learning! 

Have a question? We’re always ready to talk.

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